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Can I use scented beads in the dryer?No, the scented beads melt into the lint trays and are fire hazards.
Do you accept cash payments?We are operating as a cashless shop. Payments can be made by card at the kiosk or by Apple and Google pay via the QR codes.
Do you accept card payment?Yes we only use card payment services at the shop
Can I put items that had oil on them in the dryers? (massage towels, kitchen towels or mechanic clothing)As a general rule No, the oil from the fabric heats in the dryer and will catch fire. Picture below is a fire caused by towels used at a massage parlor and had oil on them.
Do your machines have their own detergent?No our machines are set up so you can use your own preferred detergent. Detergent is available for purchase.
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